Here I sit listening to little voices in my living room. No, I am not going crazy, but I do have a 9, 7, and 5 year old who managed to sleep no later then 6am. Sometimes I wonder why kids can't value sleep as much as adults do. I know I sure regret all the times I threw a fit for having to take a nap:)
I wish I could say that having my sisters kids over was a common occurence, but this actually is a rarity. I don't know how Mindy does it. Don't get me wrong, last night was the most fun I've had in a long time and it gave Derek and I a taste of what's to come in life. These kids are so funny and typical at the same time. Kyran enjoyed telling me all of the things he knew about the planets, and when I asked him what his favorite planet was, he responded, "No offense to Earth, because we live here and all, but I'm going to say Mars." It was so funny I couldn't stop laughing. Makenna spent the whole evening wanting to playing with my phone, send text messages, and listen to my ipod. None of which I let her do! When I was holding her doll carelessly on my lap she said, "Aunt Lindsay, I really hope that's not how you are going to take care of your baby." Thanks for the advice Mak:) And Camden only wanted to play video games. When we decided to play another game, "Pass the Pigs," Camden got upset because he kept losing. "I hate this game" he'd say and storm off. Only to return when his turn came up, he'd roll the pigs, hate the game and walk away again. Poor kid never won even though I kept letting him cheat:) Derek was quite the sport this evening. Picking out the movie, baking the pizza, and keeping score for our pig game. It is truly a joy to see him love his niece and nephews as much as I do!
Like I said, I wish this was a more common occurence but I still have more memories with these kids then you can imagine! I better go check on the kids, it just got awfully quite in the living room . . .