Friday, November 21, 2008

Mom 2 Mom

I broke down and did it! For weeks now my sister has begged me to go to her mom to mom group at church. It didn't work out for awhile because of my work schedule but I finally took the plunge today. Everyday it becomes more real that I am going to have a child. But the fact that someone is going to call me "Mom" has not set in. I feel a bit lost at times because I only have one friend other then family who has a child and while its so exciting to talk to my close friends about the baby I feel like I need to connect with other moms who have gone through what I am about to go through.

So I went today and it was so much fun. We made a lot of fun crafts and had a wonderful devotion. It was so fun to meet new people and especially spend time with my sister doing "mom" things. For so long she's been the one with all the kids and my role was to just be the little sister and try to be the cool aunt:) I have learned a lot from from Mindy already and I am excited for her to get the chance to the cool aunt! I look forward to my next mom to mom adventure and I'm so grateful that Mindy talked me into going!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man! You even beat me to Mom 2 Moms this year. I would love to have a healthy kids Friday. I would have seen you but Maddy insisted she was "sick" today. She wasn't and realized and half way thru the day that it is boring around the house. Especially when you fake being sick. Glad you went. Maybe I will see you at the next one!